“D*amn this is good.

-You, when you see your team give their presentations after my presentation training workshop

Ditch the outdated tips. It's time for your team to take on a fresh approach.

If you've ever struggled with a lackluster opening line or a never-ending slide deck, I'm here to rescue you and tell you there is a better way.

When your team is faced with pitching and presenting company solutions, what makes them stand out?

Hint: It’s not run-of-the-mill industry jargon or corporate-branded slides with phrases like “we’re your trusted source” (IKEA is technically a trusted source for particle board furniture).

The answer?


Your team.

Your colleagues.

Does it feel like your team’s public speaking and presentations are stuck on the professional standard hamster wheel?

The Before

Presenting and speaking prep includes compiling company branded slides packed to the gills with marketing language like “we offer tested solutions, forward-thinking, quality products and services, and a full-service partnership.”

It’s standard; professional.

It fits the bill.

The During

You and your team are the experts, so you focus on sharing the facts and data.

In the boxing match of features versus benefits, you bet the farm on features. Because that’s what your audience wants to know. The unspoken motto whispered at the water cooler is “data sells, stories and benefits smell.”

The After

Your team’s virtual presentations are met with a few silent clap emojis over Teams. In-person, you all are thanked twice for the information and free doughnut holes. You wait for the emails with “great presentation, you knocked it out of the park” and “let’s work together” to roll in, but you hear crickets. You ask yourself, “what are we missing?”

The data is all there, so why doesn’t your seem to audience care*?

*Take action on what you and your team have presented.

What if instead, you and your team:

Knew what to say, and how to say it compellingly so your presentations ended with handshakes and signatures on dotted lines.

Tapped into your deep wells of talents, interests, and skills to sound, look, and be confident no matter the subject matter at hand.

Gained company-wide recognition and were seen as the go-to professionals for high-stakes presentations, pitches, and talks.

Unlocked your executive presentation presence and consistently closed sales.

Tuned out standard ho-hum presentation protocol (which hasn’t earned consistent results) and focused on growing your specific speaking abilities to persuade others.

Were able to stop swallowing sleeping aids the night before a presentation and clock those restorative REM + deep sleep zzzs because you knew your presentation was going to stand out (and totally kick a$$).

Testimonials Speak Louder Than Buzz-Killing Advice

Hannah's workshop exemplified the principles she was teaching.

It was full of her personality, used themes her entire audience could relate to, and provided useful tips that all could apply to their own presentations going forward.

A lot of ground was covered in just a few hours and I'm sure a great deal of value would be obtained in longer workshops with additional practice time for all!

This workshop was incredible!

Hannah did an amazing job of breaking down the components of a presentation, ways to analyze our current way of presenting, and how to make improvements. Self-analysis with opportunities to practice our learnings in front of our team was a fantastic experience.

Sign up for the e-mails, book a session, become a better presenter. Hannah has key insights into what you need to become a better version of yourself!

Book a public speaking and presentation corporate workshop

Start creating presentations by design instead of default

You’re ready for your team to shed the standard public speaking camouflage, get noticed, and take their presentations to the next level.

Finally get the results you know you and your team are capable of from you public speaking and presentations.

Workshop benefits you can hang your hat on:

  • Increased confidence when speaking in front of large groups 

  • Strategies to improve audience engagement

  • Practical and personalized coaching advice

  • Enhanced persuasion capacity to hook listeners

  • Clarity of speech and presentation structure

  • Real-time speaking opportunities with feedback to practice new skills

What are your minimum and maximum requirements for the amount of attendees in a workshop?

For virtual workshops, my minimum is 10 and my maximum is 45.

For in-person workshops, my minimum is 15, and my maximum is 100.


How can I best prepare my team for your workshop?

Clients see the highest success when they have buy-in from their teams for the workshop. Buy-in looks like engaging your team where it matters: what benefits will they individually see as a result of doing the work?
- Money/time saved
- Productivity gained
- New clients or patients on-boarded
- Rare contracts landed
- Promotions
- Exposure to executive leadership internally and externally

Do you offer custom workshops?

Yes! We’ll meet for a needs assessment so I can understand what you’re seeking to see improve or change as a result of a public speaking and presentation workshop.

How does payment work?

50% down is required to reserve a workshop. The outstanding 50% is due 24 business hours before the date of the first workshop. For example, if your team’s first workshop date is on a Monday, final payment is due the Friday before.

Do you offer singular, stand-alone workshops?

Not typically. I find clients see the best results when there’s built-in accountability. Imagine wanting to build your upper body strength for that Tough Mudder you registered for thanks to peer pressure over lemon meringue dessert at 11:58pm. You sign up for one gym class to pump up your arm muscles. You won’t see the needle move after taking one, singular class.

For public speaking workshops, this means workshop attendees have to attend at least two workshops with assigned (and manageable) homework in between the workshops. Results happen when there’s consistency and accountability.

Where else can I find you online?

I’m most active on LinkedIn (search for Hannah Michelotti) as well as YouTube where I post content monthly around public speaking and presentation skills.

Banishing Boring (Boardroom)

Presentations since 2013